About Us


Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups


"RE" has Latin meanings that provide the notion of "back" and give re- its broad sense of: again; try again; turning back; restoration to a former state; transition to a new state. This is the focus of RE International and encompasses their heart of assisting people to "try again."

"Behold I do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19

RE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION is a dynamic, multi-faceted 501(c)(3) ministry located in Odum, Georgia. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. We are a Christian ministry focused on impacting lives for Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Our main ministry is to assist individuals in understanding their identity in Jesus Christ, and to help build and strengthen their relationship with Him. 

For those who have been hurt while in ministry and have walked away from their calling, we walk them through healing and help them re-establish their relationship with Jesus Christ. The person is provided room and board for up to two-weeks while going through the program. This process includes various facets of Spirit led ministry including personalized prayer and coaching sessions, individual bible and Freedom classes, and time for private study and reflection time. This allows healing which encourages them to REstore the individual into the ministry and purpose God has created them for and called them to. 

For those who desire a closer walk with Jesus or a better understanding of the Bible, various group classes are scheduled throughout the week and are open for anyone to attend. Additionally, throughout the year, conferences, retreats and workshops are held for intensive learning and growth on a specific topic or teaching of the Bible.

The outreach “arm” of the ministry supports missionaries and other growing ministries, assisting individuals in need and providing support to the community.

RE International Foundation is intentional about "filling in the gaps" people may feel in their walk with God. We want to be a resource for God to reach and guide all people in their relationship with Him. God made a promise that if we seek after Him, we will find Him! (Jeremiah 29:13).

You are a valued part of God’s creation and His deep desire is to be in a relationship with you.