

Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups


We are blessed to have a leadership team who is truly dedicated to Jesus Christ and accomplishing the will of God. They are passionate about their calling and devoted to bringing healing and restored relationships back to Jesus.

In addition to Ron and Erin Manning, our leadership consists of five Board of Directors who are actively involved in the ministry.

Ron and Erin Manning

Lead Pastors

Ron and Erin Manning are passionate about providing Christ-centered ministry, teaching, guidance and hospitality at a level of excellence which impacts lives for Jesus Christ and expands the Kingdom of God. Individually and together, they have ministered for over 30 years.

Ron has led and been a member of several mission trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Guatemala. He is an ordained pastor and, since 1990, preaches, teaches, and leads bible studies, among other leadership roles and responsibilities within the church.

Erin is an ordained paster and, since 2004, teaches, leads bible studies, creates and coordinates workshops, conferences and retreats, and provides Christian coaching for women.

They believe salvation is an event and sanctification is a process, and this process requires grace and mercy to be extended by all Christians to all people which is provided to each of us by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is only expanded when the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared.

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Ron and Erin Manning are passionate about providing Christ-centered ministry, teaching, guidance and hospitality at a level of excellence which impacts lives for Jesus Christ and expands the Kingdom of God. Individually and together, they have ministered for over 30 years.

Ron has led and been a member of several mission trips to Russia, Ukraine, and Guatemala. He is an ordained pastor and, since 1990, preaches, teaches, and leads bible studies, among other leadership roles and responsibilities within the church.

Erin is an ordained paster and, since 2004, teaches, leads bible studies, creates and coordinates workshops, conferences and retreats, and provides Christian coaching for women.

They believe salvation is an event and sanctification is a process, and this process requires grace and mercy to be extended by all Christians to all people which is provided to each of us by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is only expanded when the love of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared.

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Dan Gardener

Board Member

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Angie Gardener

Board Member

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Steve Page

Board Member

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Judy Page

Board Member

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Betty Sweeten

Board Member

Betty has been involved in ministry since 1999. She believes her calling is to help those who need healing from their past to move into what God has called them to. Her heart's desire is for everyone to be all that they can be for Jesus. She is currently involved in jail ministry for women in Dandridge, TN and is an administrative assistant at Agape Acres in Jefferson City, TN where she has ministered since 2010.

"I love being involved with God's work and I am excited about what happens next."

RE International Foundation is honored to have Betty as a part of the ministry. 

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Betty has been involved in ministry since 1999. She believes her calling is to help those who need healing from their past to move into what God has called them to. Her heart's desire is for everyone to be all that they can be for Jesus. She is currently involved in jail ministry for women in Dandridge, TN and is an administrative assistant at Agape Acres in Jefferson City, TN where she has ministered since 2010.

"I love being involved with God's work and I am excited about what happens next."

RE International Foundation is honored to have Betty as a part of the ministry. 

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