
Sunday - 8AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 7PM Small Groups

rE international Foundation is passionate!

REfining means to free something from impurities and to make it pure or to improve something with small changes.

We are passionate about assisting believers in REfining their relationship with Christ.

RE International offers bible classes covering different topics that will develop your faith no matter where you are in your walk with Christ Jesus.

Take a minute to review the classes and studies we are offering at this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Everyone is always welcome!

Salvation is an event, sanctification is a process!

If My people....

Have you ever wondered how much of an influence you have in the heavenly realm? In this weekly bible study, we will discover how every Christian can be a history maker through prayer. We will learn how to have a more effective prayer life and a closer relationship with Jesus. Click the link below to see meeting times. 

We would love for your to join us!

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30 days to understanding the bible

Have you ever been confused about how to study the Bible or how to make sense of it all? In this weekly Bible Study, we will unlock the treasures of God's word with this simple-to-use guide to the scriptures. We will learn about the Bible's key people, events and doctrine to get more out of God's Word and provide context to the scriptures. By understanding the Word of God, we will be drawn closer to Jesus our Savior. Click the link below to seeing meeting dates for Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m..

Book cost: $13.99 + tax or it can be ordered through Amazon (ISBN 978-0-7852-1618-6)

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